The Rise of Science and Technology in
the Light of Star Wisdom
Temple Architecture, the Rise of Science & Technology, the Advent of Spiritual Science, the Goetheanum Temple, and Three Examples of Culturally Creative Individuals in our Time
Five (5) presentations recorded in September and October 2021
Purchase CourseJoin us for an exploration, based on spiritual science and star wisdom, into the following themes:
- Temple architecture and the spiritual guidance of humanity through the ages (beginning with the myth of Cain and Abel)
- The spiritual roots of materialism in the 19th century - and the rise of scientific discovery and technology that both help and hinder - through three leading scientists of the era: Charles Darwin, Nikola Tesla, and Marie Curie
- The spiritual science and artistic creations of Rudolf Steiner as a response to materialistic science, offering a balancing spiritual and cultural influence
- Rudolf Steiner’s extraordinary contribution to contemporary temple architecture - the first Goetheanum - its destruction by fire, and his transformation of it into a powerful spiritual legacy
- The significant impact of three culturally creative individuals in the 21st century - Malala Yousafzai, Amanda Gorman, and Greta Thunberg - who are confronting materialism and the shadow of technology in our time
No previous knowledge of astrology is necessary, though you can learn much in the single session “Star Wisdom at StarHouse” LINK HERE
Five Sessions
Part 1: Temple Architecture: Shaping the Human Archetype through History
We begin with the mythos of Cain and Abel, and follow their relationship through cultural epochs. Cain is the practical and technical of the pair, who has become the master builder of our civilization. Solomon, of the Abel stream, called upon Hiram, of the Cain stream, to build the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem. Down through history, these two streams can be followed, through the sacred architectures of all cultures. “The temple becomes the human being.” (Rudolf Steiner, 1911)
“We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us.” (Winston Churchill, 1943)
We then look at how architecture has evolved through time.
Bring paper and pens (and coloring tools if you have them).
Part 2: The Fall of Spirits of Darkness and the Rise of Science and Technology
Anthroposophy describes particular times where spiritual beings have had an especially strong influence on the development of humanity. We will examine one of these times, in the 19th century, when, out of the development of scientific inquiry, technology began to arise. We will examine three scientists who lived and worked at this time. Through what they discovered or invented, our lives have been immensely changed. We will use astrological charts, to assist us in understanding the significance of this time, and the challenge that the rise of technology represents to human culture. We will demonstrate how we read these astrological charts, focusing particularly on the importance of the recently discovered “outer planets,” Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
No previous knowledge of astrology is necessary, though you can learn much in the single session “Star Wisdom at StarHouse” that is available as a separate presentation on the StarHouse website. LINK HERE
Part 3: From Science to Spiritual Science: The life of Rudolf Steiner
We will examine the life of Rudolf Steiner, the Austrian philosopher and inspirer of Waldorf education, biodynamic farming methods, and much else. We will see how the timing of his birth moment related him to the major challenges that Humanity must face, then and now. We will investigate his birth chart to identify the gesture he brought from the stars to confront the rise of technology and its consequences for nature and human culture—technology’s excesses and its promises—especially at the fall of the spirits of darkness.
Part 4: The Goetheanum and the Foundation Stone Meditation
A major achievement by Rudolf Steiner was the design and construction of the Goetheanum building in Switzerland. We will explore the revolutionary architecture of this modern temple. After this largely wooden structure burned, it was replaced with a second concrete Goetheanum. He also metamorphosed the original building’s forms and essence into mantric thoughts composed in four verses: Laying it as a new spiritual Foundation Stone, in human hearts, to strengthen the core of individual human beings to encounter the future.
Part 5: Cultural Creatives in our Time: Three Michaelic Leaders in Modern Culture
How can we manage the challenges of the rise of technology and transhumanism in our time, so that the essences of humanity and the natural world are not lost? We will look at the lives and astrological charts of three powerful young women living today—"three Graces”—who have already had immense impacts on our culture. The three are Greta Thunberg, Amanda Gorman, and Malala Yousafzai. From them, as forerunners, we can learn how to face the forces and challenges arising in our ever-more technological world-order
Purchase CourseFind out more about our approach
Our approach to astrology is informed and inspired by Rudolf Steiner’s indications found sprinkled throughout his six thousand lectures, as it has been developed by a small group of astrosophers over several decades. This deeper understanding of, and interaction with, the heavens is based on:
- A sidereal (star-based) view of the heavens, emphasizing the active and dynamic role of the beings working from stars and constellations
- Equal length zodiacal signs (relating to the lineage of Zarathustra), equal houses, and recognizing the Earth’s role and significance to the birth chart
- Anthroposophy (thus called astrosophy, with its particular guidance for understanding the beings indwelling the zodiacal and planets)
- Identifying and working with spiritual themes in our lives in a way made practical by the research of Robert Powell, and the indications of cosmic Christianity, as understood through Anthroposophy.
- And other features that we will teach.
StarWisdom comes alive through active embodiment within each participant, made possible by working together in the instrument of the StarHouse. This immersion facilitates each participant forming conscious relationships with zodiacal and planetary beings.
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Introduction to Star Wisdom Course. CLICK HERE
About the Facilitators

Brian GrayĀ has been a student of Anthroposophy since 1976, and of astrology since 1966. He has been a teacher of subjects related to Anthroposophy and star wisdom at Rudolf Steiner College for 38 years. Brian is also the author of star wisdom articles (published in theĀ Journal for Star Wisdom) and is a presenter of several video courses on

Robert Schiappacasse has been involved for many years as a national leader in the Waldorf and independent school movement, serving in leadership roles and as an advisor for North American Waldorf schools on school administration, organization, and governance. Robert began studying astrology in 1971, and later studied with astrosophy pioneer Willi Sucher. He has been a student of Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy for more than 40 years. Robert is the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom), and is the co-author of the book Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner.

David Tresemer, Ph.D. is the founder of the StarHouse in Boulder, Colorado, and the developer of the Solar Cross system for the “star poem” qualities of each of the 360 zodiacal degrees. He has been an organic/biodynamic farmer and written The Scythe Book: Mowing Hay, Cutting Weeds, and Harvesting Small Grains with Hand Tools, which has sold a thousand copies every year for forty years. He is the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom and other books), and is the co-author of the book Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner. David is editor and contributor to The Counselor… As If Soul and Spirit Matter, and the past president of the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology.
What participants are saying...
"The course is helping me, as I am growing my knowledge of myself and Anthroposophy in such a special way. It ties together key concepts from Rudolf Steiner and real world potential from the starry skies. It has also caused me to pause and listen more. Thank you so very much for sharing your knowledge and time to help initiate us greenhorns into the amazing world of Astrosophy!" ~ RH
"My goodness ... hard to pin down to one aspect... but a wise deepening of who I am, where I have come from and where I am going... life long questions I have been working on and thanks to this course I feel I have come along in leaps and bounds." ~ MS
"I loved the way the course was structured to allow for personal self-driven engagement with the material following the sessions. I wanted to extend the learning beyond the session itself." ~ AM
"The course is succinct, well thought out, and progressively builds on previous info. The presenters are knowledgeable, easy to understand, interact beautifully, and sprinkle in some fun too! It is great that recordings of the sessions are available for review. The resource list was also much appreciated." ~ AM
"I have had charts done before and they all seemed foreign to me, did not feel like me. With your version, ... the chart felt like me, something that I can work with my feelings as well as my intellect." ~ CS
"I really love your integrated approach to explaining concepts. I like being able to slow down and review the wealth of info in the recorded presentations so it can sink in. All of you have great passion for your work and it shows." ~ AN
"Even if I've worked with the zodiac and planets through doing eurythmy training, this has greatly enhanced my relationship and perception of these realities. As well, a new understanding of my life is dawning, granting me new impulses. I particularly appreciated living in the movement of going from the understanding of the physical body (through the zodiac) to the etheric body (planets), to the astral body (planets relationships), ending with the ego body (houses). This coupled with Venus-type and Sun-type aspects in addition to the well-known Mars-type and Mercury-type ones, are really a foundation to understanding astrology very differently. I truly appreciated your course and hope to be part of the next one." ~ CG