World and Cosmic Events, World Leaders,
The courses born from the StarMap at StarHouse are meant to train your body, soul, and spirit for integration with the changing times of our world. When we say “astro-entertainment,” it means that you need no preparation for following what’s presented (quite different from the technical language used in the Practitioner Training of New Astrology Emerging). You can sit back and enjoy the display of star-magic interweaving with the lives of world leaders and world events. This is excellent background to learning to become a reader of stars and planets – the entire hemisphere above you day and night.

3 Powerful Women
View the lives of three powerful young women, and wonder at their extraordinary cultural powers—showing the signature of the Archangel Michael—who inspired them.

Astrology of Plagues
The Astrology of Plagues course goes beyond personal biography to world events, yet comes back to a reflection of how you as an individual can respond in your life. A study of pandemics through history reveals interesting patterns that we will share in this 3-part webinar series.

The Grand Conjunction of
Jupiter & Saturn
In this three-part series, Brian Gray, Robert Schiappacasse, and David Tresemer, Ph.D., share patterns from past conjunctions, challenges and opportunities in America's destiny, and the marking of a new chapter - an impulse for cultural renewal.

Star Wisdom & Technology
Join us for an exploration into the significance of temple architecture for human evolution, the rise of science and technology and its destructive shadow, the advent of Rudolf Steiner’s spiritual science, and the significant of culturally creative individuals.

The 12 Senses & 12 zodiacal signs
Our senses function as portals to reality ~ and as blockades. When we become aware of twelve senses ~ beyond the traditional five ~ we realize how aware we can become and how shut down we are most of the time.

Sacred Sites of StarHouse
The StarHouse is supported by a remarkable landscape {which we call EarthStar} that surrounds the temple. Sweeping vistas and intimate hidden places hold the sacred sites that we will introduce in this series.

Goddesses of America
Few people realize that there clearly exist feminine archetypes ~ guiding lights that can help us balance the strong masculine energies that rule our nation, which can be physically located in the National Mall in Washington, D.C.

Sophia Lineage
Sophia: her name is synonymous with “Wisdom,” “Divine Feminine,” “Shakti,” and “Great Mother.” She has been called many different names through time and traditions.
And... she is largely forgotten.

Illuminated Relationships
Relationships are necessary. They are growthful, meaning they help you discover the essence of why you are alive. They are fun, alarming, gratifying, tragic ~ from every outcome you learn, and do it better next time.

Star Wisdom at The StarHouse
What if your first breath was not random? This course is for everyone seeking to understand one’s personal biography and world events through anthroposophic astrology. Reveal the mystery of triumphs and tragedies.

A New Astrology Short Series 1
Explore the foundations of a new western anthroposophic sidereal astrology with Brian Gray, Robert Schiappacasse, and David Tresemer. A 5-part webinar series, plus a bonus Q&A session, along with handouts and homework for each session.

A New AstrologyShort Series 2
Continue with Series 2 - a six-part webinar series exploring the patterns in our connections - personal and for the world - with celestial events, using anthroposophic sidereal astrology. With Brian Gray, Robert Schiappacasse, and David Tresemer.

Brian Gray has been a student of Anthroposophy since 1976, and of astrology since 1966. He has been a teacher of subjects related to Anthroposophy and star wisdom at Rudolf Steiner College for 38 years. Brian is also the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom) and is a presenter of several video courses on

Robert Schiappacasse has been involved for many years as a national leader in the Waldorf and independent school movement, serving in leadership roles and as an advisor for North American Waldorf schools on school administration, organization, and governance. Robert began studying astrology in 1971, and later studied with astrosophy pioneer Willi Sucher. He has been a student of Rudolf Steiner’s Anthroposophy for more than 40 years. Robert is the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom), and is the co-author of the book Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner.

David Tresemer, Ph.D., is the founder of the StarHouse in Boulder, Colorado, and the developer of the Solar Cross system for the “Personal Star Poem” qualities of each of the 360 zodiacal degrees. David is editor and contributor to The Counselor… As If Soul and Spirit Matter, as well as Slow Counseling. He is co-founder and past president of the Association for Anthroposophic Psychology. He is the author of star wisdom articles (published in the Journal for Star Wisdom), and is the author of the book Star Wisdom & Rudolf Steiner (with Robert Schiappacasse), an in-depth study of how Steiner’s Star Poems formed foundations for his life. Other books in star wisdom: Venus Eclipse of the Sun 2012, and Signs in the Heavens. He is co-presenter of the New Astrology Emerging training course for practitioners through

Lila Sophia Tresemer is a group facilitator and certified mediator, author, photographer, ceremonialist, minister and co-founder of The StarHouse, and the Women of Vision program in Israel/Palestine. She co-creates programs for sacred living and remembrance online and onsite at the StarHouse in Boulder. Lila is dedicated to building a global community, which honors the Feminine and celebrates the Sacred in all beings. Her current passion is weaving a living network for the Lineage of Sophia (literally, “Wisdom”) ~ for men and women around the world who are seeking to reconnect with sacred Earth activism and spiritual practices that matter in these astonishing times!
Lila’s work includes: Don’t Go Back to Sleep (a spiritual novel); Sophia Elements Meditations; Sophia Gnostic Creation Story (click here to view this animated creation myth, available at no charge); The Goddesses of America (a 7-part course, soon to be a book); and Sophia Lineage (a 7-part course).